Saturday, February 1, 2014

Firefox Student Ambassadors Meetup - Pune

Event Name: Firefox Student Ambassadors Meetup - Pune
Time: 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Date: 1st February 2014
Venue: McDonald's Pune (Wanorie)
Hashtags: #ViitFirefoxClub, #firefoxstudents 

Total nine people attended the Meetup.
We discussed and planned to perform the following activities during this month:
1. Install Firefox web browser on our (VIIT) college  lab computers.
2. Install Firefox OS simulator extension
3. Spread awareness of the "HTTPS lock icon check before entering credential on any website" among TE and BE Computer & IT Engg students.
4. We also elected a leader of FSA club (UoP Firefox Club: we have started.  The leader of the club is "Qaidjohar Jawadwala".
4. We also planned to conduct App Hack in a Day workshop in the first week of the March. We have also decided the role of each FSA member for the workshop.

Photos of the today's event: